

LIGHT OF LITTLE BUDDHAS!  (2017 version)

Upon the call of my inner bell
To visit the tiny town Pemegatshel
I gaily and gallantly rode my faithful scooter,
Full of enthusiasm, joy and vigor.
As I drove over the sickly road winding
From Nangkor to Pemagatshel battling,
Saw the Little Buddhas splendidly lined up
All along the road, their heads bowed.

So radiant their eyes
And so heavenly were their faces.
Overflowed they the weary road
By their supreme adoration and peak of admiration.
As I got close,
To their priming they rose
To pour their honour treasure
Which no earthly scale can measure.
With profound devotion and powerful emotion
They murmured: “Apchi sir uncha (Apchi sir is coming)!
Then they rained their greeting shower
In a divine stature:
“Good afternoon sir!
Dipping me in ecstasy and rapture.

A wondrous light permeated far and near
That detached me from the world of desire.
The dusty road appeared serene and sanctified;
The earth and air pure and perfumed;
The sky clad with rainbows;
And heavenly music  everywhere.
These all were magic spells
Of the Little Buddhas’ purity and divinity.

Their number was endless
And their love was boundless.
March 28, the Thursday’s view
When the year 2006 stood almost new.
To reciprocate their gesture holy
I nodded my head with helmet slowly.
In 13 KM journey
I met groups of Little Buddhas many
In their sacred poise and posture
That made me rise higher and sink deeper
And inquire of the wonder beyond imagination.
At last I got reply from within:
“They are the rays of the Mighty Buddha
Who recognize the flame of the Supreme Father
In their beloved teachers.

Thus up and down the Little Buddhas routinely go
With Book- laden bags on their backs.
They walk in rhymes and rhythm
Over the Himalayan hills and valleys, roads and rivers
When each day the Bhutanese schools get over.

But the vision of the Little Buddhas only appear
If we devote to rise higher and sink deeper.

                                                                                                     Santosh Chowdhury
                                                                                                   Ex-teacher, Bhutan

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