
A Letter to the Participants of 93rd Yoga-Vedanta Course, Rishikesh

A Letter to the Participants of 93rd Yoga-Vedanta Course, Rishikesh

My Divine brothers
93rd Yoga-Vedanta Course
Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy
The Divine Life Society

My dear brothers (93rd Yoga Vedanta Course), First of all, let me wish you and your family a Happy New Year. May the 2021 be the greatest grace and gift of God for all of you and your family members.

Hope you all are safe, healthy and happy. I am very sorry not to have written or contacted you for so long. But the light of bliss that shone in my heart by the divine sparks of the training and by virtue of your loving and lofty company is still shining steadily.

I have been living an ecstatic life by virtue of our Divine Life training. I have now better feelings and understanding of the course and of our mysterious togetherness from different parts of the world. This is because I have learned more about Yoga-Vedanta through living an inner life which is a gift of the lock down world presented by COVID-19. I have finished reading most of the Jnan Prasad books which we were presented on completion of the course. From the shower of blessings of the course which I feel has been a preparatory training for us to live and grow abundantly in the lock down world. I realize the almighty always gives His hand to protect, guide and drive us to safer, deeper and higher life when we have a thirst for it.

To me, the Divine Life society is an embodiment of pure, perfect and glorious Mother India. If I had not attended the course, I would have remained ignorant about the spiritual and cultural glories of India. The course has endowed me with new eyes and new vision.    

In the corona - governed world I have been always hearing the echoes of our Swamijis’ truth-laden wisdom which they voiced several times during the course: “You forty-two participants are among the most fortunate people to be able to undergo this training. You have merited this fortune by virtue of your righteous life and living in the past.”

As Corona attacked the world soon after our course, I have now better realization of the truth voiced by the Divine teachers.  Yes, this course has been a gift of God for all of us to live a blissful inner life in the lock down world. We have been fully equipped with Yoga and the nectar of Vedanta to live an inner life for our enhancement.

We are so much blessed to have been trained on Yogic asanas and Pranayama as a part of the course which are the free and best preventive as well as curative medicine against Corona and all other ailments. No other forms of exercise, medicine or tonic is parallel to Yoga because Yoga endows us with physiological, psychological, spiritual, intellectual and so many other forms of health for a blissful life.

Brothers, you will be glad to hear that I won a Platinum Certificate from Auro University of Gujrat last year on International Yoga Day for performing 120 cycles of Surya Namaskar in an hour at their Yoga Festival. This victory has geared up my confidence manifold. Because we all remember how difficult it was for us to perform only the 12 cycles of Surya Namaskar at our daily Yoga class in the evening.

From this marvelous experience I have learned that our nervous system is the secret store of our strength and stamina, which is toned up by Yoga- asanas and Pranayama.

The other day I shared this fantastic experience with my beloved elder brother, Mr. K.P.Singh, (my room- mate, Room No. 12) over phone. He was so  happy and inspired that he advised me to share this with all the divine brothers of our 93rd Yoga-Vedanta Course. Accordingly, I am writing this letter to all of you.

His Holiness Swami Sivananda Maharaj wrote: “It is better to aim at a lion and miss it than to hunt a jackal and catch it.” Yes, I realized the truth of the divine wisdom. When we aim at higher or greater things we are supplied with the required capacity to perform it by the Cosmic Force or our Supreme Father.

For our high aim and dream, we 42 brothers have been abundantly showered with blessings to be able to live a dynamic, dignified, divine and blissful life by virtue of the divine lessons and disciplines we were imparted at the Course. We are so grateful to all the Swamijis and the Divine Life Society at large.

That’s all for today. My regards and best wishes to all of you and to your family members.

God loves you, so do I.

Yours sincerely,
Santosh Chowdhury
Room No. 12
Yoga- Vedanta Forest Academy





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  1. Shri Santosh ji.. As You said we all are really lucky to have attended the Yoga Vedanta Course at Sivananda Ashram Forest Academy Rishikesh..
    You have expressed so well the feelings within...and hearty Congratulations for 120 suryanamaskar in an hour.. and winning the prestigious Platinum award..
    Best wishes...
