

My dear students and brothers and sisters of Bhutan,
Though by the land of law I am an Indian citizen, but in my spirit I am a Bhutanese citizen as well. So I dare to take this advantage to express myself to you. As you know me, my character and  attitude very well, I am sure you will accept my thoughts, feelings and emotions as pouring of my heart to you.

Blessing from the great teacher, Mr. Krishnan
From the last historical Teachers’ Day cum Indo-Bhutan friendship celebration in Thimphu on 2 May I have come to learn that out of our all Indian states Kerala has contributed the best and most to Bhutanese education because in that august occasion out of forty three Indian teachers from different states of India who were invited as guests of honour, the majority were from Kerala. I was shuddered as well as excited to have heard that Mr. Krishnan from Kerala walked for twenty two days to reach his first school in Lhuentse district in order to light the candle of education in Bhutan when there was no road in the kingdom. It was indeed a heroic and adventurous journey for the great teacher for the noblest cause of Bhutan for which the Royal Government of Bhutan honoured and recognized him and the other Indian teachers adequately. I was blessed to be part of that occasion and to meet those great Indian teachers.

 Through these forty three Indian teachers I was able to have a glimpse of the entire Indian nation and I have developed the highest esteem for our Kerala state. But to our utter despair and disappointment, Nature has suddenly unleashed her unprecedented fury and cruelty on the brothers and sisters of the glorious state. In the last two weeks hundreds died and thousands became homeless due to a devastating flood across the state, though the State Governments, the Central Government, NGOs, and educational institutes have plunged in their rescue and relief operation.

I am sure you are aware of the entire situation. Feeling pained by the pains of the flood victims and as your well wisher, I would like to inform you that if you want to nurture your compassion and gratitude further you can extend your helping hands and hearts towards our calamity-stricken brothers and sisters in Kerala in whichever form you can, provided the law of the land and your law of humanity accords approval. If you can do something materially, that is well and good; if not, you can do the beneficence spiritually in the form of prayers and butter lamps. God wants us to feel and act for each other in times of our needs and calamities irrespective of our geographical barriers and other narrow domestic walls. In every calamity God wants us to stand united, help each other and thereby to strengthen our bond forgetting our all differences.

I wish and pray that Bhutan and India always stand together as exemplary brothers.

Yours sincerely,
Santosh Chowdhury
( Apchi sir - as you opted to call me )

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